Monday, December 29, 2008

It Takes Partners!

The more I explore God's purpose for my life, the more ridiculous I find that the North American church attempts to live in a secluded world. The church has become more of a sales organization within the last 30 years. Instead of modeling itself around the missional purpose of God, it has structured itself as though it has a product to sell, and that in order to be successful, it has to sell that product to the most people it can. That marketplace mentality has, therefore, resulted in the church isolating itself, trying to do it all by itself, as if in competition with each other for marketplace share.

I believe in order for the church to reclaim its role as proclaiming the gospel of Christ, it has to join forces with strategic partners, combining visions and resources so as to be most effective.

If you have been reading my posts, you no doubt ask yourself, "How does this tiny, country church think it can accomplish what it wants to do in Uganda?" If we attempted to do this alone, we would fail. But when we team up with strategic partners, then God will be faithful.

Our partners include other churches (St. James UMC, who is coordinating travel logistics) and nongrovernmental organizations (NGO) like Sasakawa Global 2000 and the Carter Center.

Our newest partner is Rotary International, a global network of community volunteers. As a Rotary member myself in Bowling Green, I learned of another Rotarian in Minnesota, George Oyeho, and of his project to build a health clinic in Kenya. I contacted George to inquire about his project, and learned that he himself is working with another Rotarian from Colorado, Carol Caper, whose club has recently initiated an agricultural program in Kenya very similar to what we are hoping to accomplish in Uganda.

As God so perfectly orchestrates things, both George & Carol will be in Kenya the same dates that we will be in Uganda, so Steph & I will travel one day over to their location (about 2 hours east of Katosi) and tour their project.

Through this new partnership, a world of guidance, experience and funding sources has opened up to us! GOD IS GOOD!!!

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