Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sugar Grove is closing their doors . . .

On Sunday, October 12th, Sugar Grove UMC is taking their faith into the streets and will be serving the community instead of holding its normal worship service.

Members of the congregation will gather at Pavilion #1 of the Charles Black Park in downtown Morgantown to serve a free bean soup lunch to the public. They will also be going door-to-door in the community to collect nonperishable food for donation to the Morgantown Mission food pantry. The key event, however, will be offering food assistance through their partnership with Angel Food Ministries. The community will be able to purchase $60 worth of top-quality food for only $30. Each order will feed a family of 4 for about a week, or a single senior citizen for a month.

The youth groups will be raising awareness of hunger in Butler County through a 600-cross display. Each cross represents a child in Butler County who suffers from hunger.

Come by and join us as we put our faith into action and attach the issue of hunger in our community!

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